
Older SBT, ACCPAC & Sage Pro


Expert Support for SBT & ACCPAC VisionPoint, SBT Pro Series, ACCPAC Pro and Sage Pro ERP

Are you running SBT VisionPoint®? SBT Pro Series®? ACCPAC Pro®? Sage Pro ERP®? You have come to the right place. Lefkowitz Systems supports these older systems. We can extend the life of your system, enhance it, integrate it with other applications or, if indicated, guide you through an upgrade. Age alone is a bad reason to retire […]

Customized Accounting


Most companies face a few unique or unusual challenges. The things that set it apart from its competitors are often the things that are difficult to manage internally. How should companies meet these challenges? Often the choice is between changing business practices or changing management software.

For those who are not willing to bend to the requirements of their accounting software, we offer customizable accounting systems and the expertise to tailor […]

Accounting Systems


Lefkowitz Systems sells integrated, modular accounting software suitable for small- to medium-businesses. Lefkowitz Systems supports older, legacy accounting software systems for a wide variety of industries.

Accounting Systems

Good accounting systems manage the flow of financial and business information, provide management and staff with meaningful information on demand and, in some cases, before it is required.

Good accounting systems provide meaningful reports without resorting to spreadsheets or other external tools.

Good accounting systems increase […]

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