Another in an occasional series about Spire for SBT, ACCPAC and Sage Pro upgraders.

In the classic film “The Treasure of the Sierre Madre,” bandits pretending to be Mexican Federal police surround Humphrey Bogart’s character gold miner Fred C. Dobbs. Bogart, rifle drawn, demands they show him their badges. The bandit leader replies, “Badges? We don’t need no stinkin’ badges!”

Get to the point Matt.

Your SBT VisionPoint, SBT Pro Series, ACCPAC VisionPoint, ACCPAC Pro and Sage Pro ERP systems move debits and credits to the general ledger using batches. Spire does not. Spire posts journals to the Spire general ledger in real time. No batches in Spire.

Batches, badges, get it?

In SBT/ACCPAC/Sage, sub-ledger journals accumulate into batches as you do things like write invoices. From time to time, you release these batches from the sub-ledgers (A/P, A/R, I/C, Payroll) to the general ledger. Maybe you review them in the GL or maybe not. Then you post the batch. Three steps: 1) release, 2) review and 3) post the batches.

No batches in Spire. Spire posts transactions to the GL in real time. No batches! The instant you post a Spire invoice, a check, a PO receipt, etc., Spire posts the journals to the GL. No releasing batches. No reviewing batches. No posting batches. No batches. It is all done instantly.

Real-time GL posting is better than batch posting.


• Instant financial reporting.

Your GL is always current. No need to wait for the new batches.

• Accurate financial reporting.

No chance of journals getting lost in unposted batches because there are no batches.

• Less work.

No need to release, review and post. Spire does the work for you.

• Stronger audit trail.

The audit trail journals stand alone. No batches stand in the way. A drill-down on a Spire account shows the journals, not the journal batches.

• Happier business owners, investors, bankers and potential business buyers.

Owners, buyers and lenders like to see reliable numbers right now. They can with Spire. With SBT/ACCPAC/Sage, they have to wait for the batches to post.

Fred C. Dobbs (Humphrey Bogart) likes batches. He wants to see them. The bandit leader likes real-time posting. Go with the bandit. You don’t need no stinkin’ batches!

May 2019.

© 2019 Matthew Lefkowitz, Lefkowitz Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.