
Spire for SBT VisionPoint Users – Features!

Why Upgrade your SBT VisionPoint to Spire?

Integrated email!

First in an occasional series.

Since my last email blast many have asked about specific Spire features that distinguish Spire from your SBT VisionPoint. The feature SBT VisionPoint users want more than any other is the ability to email forms (bids, orders, invoices, POs and statements of account) as attached PDF documents. Visionpoint cannot not do this without the expensive (but excellent and available) Liaison Messenger module. Spire can email everything. For some of you, gaining this one feature is sufficient reason to retire SBT VisionPoint and go with Spire.

The benefits of emailing forms are large. First, […]

2019-05-08T22:53:44-07:00July 18th, 2017|SBT VisionPoint, Spire|

Spire for SBT Pro Series, ACCPAC Pro and Sage Pro ERP Users

Running old SBT Pro Series?

This information is for those who run old SBT Pro Series (or ACCPAC Pro or Sage Pro ERP) accounting software and are a current or former client of Lefkowitz Systems. Your SBT/ACCPAC/Sage Pro still runs well on current Windows computers and, with your SBT source code license, you can add features as required. For most of you, this is good enough and I will support you and your SBT system indefinitely (if that is what you want). But for others, this is not enough. If you want something newer and better, please keep reading.

Three years ago, if an SBT Pro client asked me for […]

2018-03-10T00:53:51-08:00July 11th, 2017|ACCPAC, SBT, Spire|

Spire for SBT VisionPoint Users

Running old SBT VisionPoint?

You may be running very old SBT VisionPoint accounting software and considering whether it is time to upgrade. Your SBT VisionPoint still runs tolerably well on current Windows computers and, with your SBT source code license, you can add features as required. For most of you, this is good enough and I will support you and your SBT VisionPoint system indefinitely if that is what you want. But for some, this is not enough. If you want something newer and better, keep reading.

Three years ago, if an SBT VisionPoint client asked me for an upgrade for their accounting software, I recommended Sage Pro without hesitation. […]

2018-03-10T00:52:16-08:00February 14th, 2017|SBT VisionPoint, Spire|
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