Spire Conference 2018 – Why you should care

I attended the 2018 Spire Conference in Toronto two weeks ago. It was a good conference as these things go. We got a new version of Spire and a very good end-of year sales promotion. If you want to replace your SBT VisionPoint, SBT Pro Series, ACCPAC Pro or Sage Pro, version 3.0 is very good news. And if you want to save a small sum, now is a good time to buy.

The Spire Conference is for end-users and partners. It is three days packed with demonstrations, instruction, technical sessions and spirited discussions between Spire management and Spire partners.

My biggest impressions from the conference were growth and strong enthusiasm. The 2018 conference was larger than 2017 and it sold out quickly. This is important because of the nature of ERP channels. Some reseller channels grow, and others shrink. Spire’s is growing. Growing channels get development dollars and 3rd-party developer interest. I have been in growing ERP channels and I have been in shrinking ERP channels before. Growing is better.

The enthusiasm for Spire at the conference seemed genuine. There were no “rah-rah, we’re great” sessions, no motivational speakers, no “how to sell better” presentations and no phony “sales excellence” awards. The conference was packed with technical sessions and those who attended – partners and end-users – got what we wanted.

Spire Systems remains a tech company and Spire is a tech product run by tech people. Other products (such as your SBT/ACCPAC/Sage) are “legacy technology” products run by non-technical managers and marketers. Spire could use some more marketing but, if it must be tech or marketing but not both, tech is better.

Very little employee turnover at Spire. I saw the same people this year as last year. At Spire, so far, people stay, and everyone seems fully invested in the Spire project. This is good.

Less “noise” this year than last year. Last year, Spire had some rough edges which created friction between Spire and partners. All reseller channels have some friction. There was much less this year than last. And the friction this year was productive. We argued over what new features should be added sooner rather than later instead of what bugs must be fixed right now!

Much more market penetration this year than last. Spire reports 500+ installs out in the world. Last year it was 300 give or take.

Spire has ambitious development plans. “The Road Ahead” session promised all sort of good things, and, in spite of my cynical self, I believe we will get them. Spire delivered most of what they promised last year. Spire’s credibility is good.

The bottom line on the 2018 Spire Conference

All in all, a good conference for me and, for those looking to retire SBT VisionPoint, SBT Pro Series, ACCPAC Pro and Sage Pro ERP, a good conference as well. Spire remains an excellent option for you and I am even more confident I chose wisely when I picked Spire for my upgrading clients.

-Matthew Lefkowitz

P.S. Ready to look at Spire? Contact me here.