SBT VisionPoint

Converting your SBT/ACCPAC/Sage Pro data to Spire.

I choose a serious topic this month: data conversion. If you upgrade your old SBT, ACCPAC or Sage Pro software, you will want to convert your data. All of my Spire upgraders want their old data converted to Spire. But exactly what data can I convert, how does the conversion work and what will data conversion cost? Important questions. I answer them here.

Your data is valuable. But just how valuable is it?

Your old data is extremely valuable, far more valuable than the old software in which it lives. Your data include your customers, inventory, vendors, open receivable and payables, your G/L […]

2021-12-07T00:48:58-08:00December 7th, 2021|Accounting Systems, Sage Pro, SBT, SBT VisionPoint, Spire|

Do Not Buy Spire!

I really like Spire Systems for most SBT, ACCPAC Pro and Sage Pro ERP upgraders, but not for all. This month’s email/blog lists a few of the kinds of businesses for which Spire is not a suitable solution.

Not-for-profit entities.

Not for profit organizations require fund accounting, a method of tracking sources and uses of funds. Spire sort-of does this in the Job Cost module (Spire has a Job Cost module), but I do not recommend it for NFPs. There are many, good fund accounting systems designed for NFPs. If you run a not-for-profit, buy something […]

2021-06-11T22:17:57-07:00June 11th, 2021|Accounting Systems, Sage Pro, SBT, SBT VisionPoint, Spire|

Rent or Own? Accounting software and Spire for SBT.

Another in an occasional series on Spire for SBT VisionPoint, SBT Pro Series, ACCPAC Pro and Sage Pro ERP users.

When you bought your SBT (or ACCPAC or Sage Pro), perhaps back in the 20th Century, you owned it, “it” being a perpetual user license. This license entitled you to an SBT server installation forever. And that was a good thing because now, fifteen or more years later, you still run SBT (or ACCPAC or Sage Pro) and you remain in compliance with your license. SBT is long gone. You are still here.

Today, if you want to acquire new accounting software, there is a second way: you can rent […]

2019-10-18T20:52:01-07:00April 15th, 2019|Accounting Systems, ACCPAC, Sage Pro, SBT, SBT VisionPoint, Spire|

When ERPs Attack! How to avoid ERP Failure.

When ERPs Attack! How to avoid ERP Failure.

(Another in an occasion series of Lefkowitz Systems emails about Spire for users of SBT, ACCPAC and Sage Pro).

Some ERP implementation projects fail, and some fail spectacularly. Google “ERP failure” and you will find many horror stories. I have seen a few in my career. What follows describes the real risks of an ERP project and steps you can take to avoid failure. And what does this have to do with Spire? If you upgrade to Spire (or any other ERP), you are embarking on an ERP project.

Implementing a new ERP is a difficult process. The job is done once a […]

2018-10-06T01:35:03-07:00October 6th, 2018|Accounting Systems, ACCPAC, Sage Pro, SBT, SBT VisionPoint, Spire|

What Does Spire Cost to Upgrade VisionPoint

Spire for SBT VisionPoint Users – What does it cost?

I have promoted Spire Systems to you, my SBT VisionPoint clients, in a series of emails and private phone calls for the past few months. Some of you are interested and, inevitably, those of you who are ask me, “Matt, how much does this cost?”

In enterprise software sales school, we were taught to deflect this question towards a discussion of value and pain points so that, when the price is finally revealed (deep into the sales process), the “value proposition” overwhelms the sticker shock. This approach never made any sense to me.

My view is […]

2018-03-10T00:27:47-08:00October 31st, 2017|SBT VisionPoint, Spire|

Spire for SBT VisionPoint Users – Features!

Why Upgrade your SBT VisionPoint to Spire?

Integrated email!

First in an occasional series.

Since my last email blast many have asked about specific Spire features that distinguish Spire from your SBT VisionPoint. The feature SBT VisionPoint users want more than any other is the ability to email forms (bids, orders, invoices, POs and statements of account) as attached PDF documents. Visionpoint cannot not do this without the expensive (but excellent and available) Liaison Messenger module. Spire can email everything. For some of you, gaining this one feature is sufficient reason to retire SBT VisionPoint and go with Spire.

The benefits of emailing forms are large. First, […]

2019-05-08T22:53:44-07:00July 18th, 2017|SBT VisionPoint, Spire|

Spire for SBT VisionPoint Users

Running old SBT VisionPoint?

You may be running very old SBT VisionPoint accounting software and considering whether it is time to upgrade. Your SBT VisionPoint still runs tolerably well on current Windows computers and, with your SBT source code license, you can add features as required. For most of you, this is good enough and I will support you and your SBT VisionPoint system indefinitely if that is what you want. But for some, this is not enough. If you want something newer and better, keep reading.

Three years ago, if an SBT VisionPoint client asked me for an upgrade for their accounting software, I recommended Sage Pro without hesitation. […]

2018-03-10T00:52:16-08:00February 14th, 2017|SBT VisionPoint, Spire|
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