Spire for SBT, ACCPAC and Sage Pro Users – How long does it take?

The second question I get from SBT clients looking at Spire is “How long does it take?” The first question is always “How much does Spire cost?” I answered that question in an earlier email which can be found here. But the second question is more important and the subject of this email.

Time is money and time spent moving from an old accounting system (like SBT) to a new ERP system (like Spire) is expensive. The faster the move from old to new, the better. The move from SBT to Spire can go very quickly and this is another very good reason why I like Spire for SBT users.

ERP upgrades are notoriously slow. I have heard horror stories about upgrades planned to take over a year that dragged out longer until the project collapsed. More typical is a six-month transition from planning to cut-over. Even if the project goes well, this is too slow.

Spire installations are faster because Spire was designed well. Spire is easy to learn and there is less transition work to do. And, if you are moving to Spire from SBT, Spire installations are faster still. Why? Because we can convert most of your SBT data and because Spire’s standard features “map” well to SBT.

Ok, so how fast? Our current record is two weeks as described here in SBT-to-Spire upgrader Michou Jewelry’s Success Story. Michou’s goal was to retire SBT and launch Spire in less than a month.

Can your SBT (or ACCPAC or Sage Pro) to Spire project go as fast and as well as Michou’s? Let’s find out.

-Matthew Lefkowitz

P.S. Michou makes beautiful jewelry. Take a look here .

Matthew Lefkowitz, President
Lefkowitz Systems, Inc.
Tel: 415/657-9900
Email: matt@lefkowitzsys.com
web: www.lefkowitzsys.com

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