
The 2018 Spire Conference – Why you should care

Spire Conference 2018 – Why you should care

I attended the 2018 Spire Conference in Toronto two weeks ago. It was a good conference as these things go. We got a new version of Spire and a very good end-of year sales promotion. If you want to replace your SBT VisionPoint, SBT Pro Series, ACCPAC Pro or Sage Pro, version 3.0 is very good news. And if you want to save a small sum, now is a good time to buy.

The Spire Conference is for end-users and partners. It is three days packed with demonstrations, instruction, technical sessions and spirited discussions between Spire management and Spire […]

2018-11-07T00:47:27-08:00November 7th, 2018|Accounting Systems|

Spire 3.0 – What’s new?

Spire Systems released Spire version 3.0 in October and presented it to Spire partners and end-users at the 2018 Spire Conference. Here are the interesting Spire 3.0 enhancements:


  • User security now reside in the PostGreSQL system database (good) rather than the Spire company database (bad).

This means you log into Spire first and see your list of companies second. Companies you should not see are hidden.

  • Enhanced password complexity, expiration and failure lock-out.

Passwords can now be long “pass phrases” (strings of separate, English words), rather than short passwords. Pass phrases are more secure than passwords and easier to remember. Passwords can expire after X days. And User accounts can […]

2018-11-07T00:48:30-08:00November 7th, 2018|Accounting Systems|

When ERPs Attack! How to avoid ERP Failure.

When ERPs Attack! How to avoid ERP Failure.

(Another in an occasion series of Lefkowitz Systems emails about Spire for users of SBT, ACCPAC and Sage Pro).

Some ERP implementation projects fail, and some fail spectacularly. Google “ERP failure” and you will find many horror stories. I have seen a few in my career. What follows describes the real risks of an ERP project and steps you can take to avoid failure. And what does this have to do with Spire? If you upgrade to Spire (or any other ERP), you are embarking on an ERP project.

Implementing a new ERP is a difficult process. The job is done once a […]

2018-10-06T01:35:03-07:00October 6th, 2018|Accounting Systems, ACCPAC, Sage Pro, SBT, SBT VisionPoint, Spire|

Spire for SBT, ACCPAC and Sage Pro Users – How long does it take?

Spire for SBT, ACCPAC and Sage Pro Users – How long does it take?

The second question I get from SBT clients looking at Spire is “How long does it take?” The first question is always “How much does Spire cost?” I answered that question in an earlier email which can be found here. But the second question is more important and the subject of this email.

Time is money and time spent moving from an old accounting system (like SBT) to a new ERP system (like Spire) is expensive. The faster the move from old to new, the better. The move from SBT […]

2018-10-06T01:10:02-07:00October 6th, 2018|Accounting Systems|

Spire for SBT Users – The Little Things Are Not So Little

Spire for SBT, ACCPAC and Sage Pro Users – The Small Things Are Not So Small

Twice a week, give or take, I get a call or email from an SBT (or ACCPAC Pro or Sage Pro) user asking for “a small thing.”

  • “I need longer inventory descriptions. And they need to print on bids, orders, invoices and purchase orders. Can you do this?”
  • “I sell to customers overseas and need an extra address line.”
  • “My supplier sends me new prices each quarter in an Excel sheet. I want to update my costs and prices and I do not want to key them in […]
2018-03-10T00:46:40-08:00March 7th, 2018|ACCPAC, Sage Pro, SBT, Spire|

What does Spire Cost to Upgrade Pro version

Spire for SBT Pro, ACCPAC Pro and Sage Pro ERP – What does it cost?

I have promoted Spire Systems to you, my SBT Pro Series, ACCPAC Pro and Sage Pro ERP clients, in a series of emails and phone calls as a suitable upgrade. Some of you are interested. Those who are ask, “Matt, how much does Spire cost?”

In enterprise software sales school, we are taught to deflect this question towards a discussion of value so that, when the price is finally revealed (deep in the sales cycle), the “value proposition” overwhelms the sticker shock. This approach never made sense to me. My view […]

2018-03-10T00:55:51-08:00November 8th, 2017|ACCPAC, Sage Pro, SBT, Spire|

What Does Spire Cost to Upgrade VisionPoint

Spire for SBT VisionPoint Users – What does it cost?

I have promoted Spire Systems to you, my SBT VisionPoint clients, in a series of emails and private phone calls for the past few months. Some of you are interested and, inevitably, those of you who are ask me, “Matt, how much does this cost?”

In enterprise software sales school, we were taught to deflect this question towards a discussion of value and pain points so that, when the price is finally revealed (deep into the sales process), the “value proposition” overwhelms the sticker shock. This approach never made any sense to me.

My view is […]

2018-03-10T00:27:47-08:00October 31st, 2017|SBT VisionPoint, Spire|

Spire for SBT, ACCPAC and Sage Pro Users

Why Upgrade to Spire? Inventory profits (and losses)

I made my reputation in the SBT world with two related add-on products: Auto PO and SO-2-PO. Never heard of them? Pity. Both improve inventory management and boost profits. If inventory is a big part of your business, read on. If not, I look forward to ‘seeing’ you again soon.

Many of my clients spend far too much time managing inventory and do a poor job of it. The result? Lost profits. For these clients, the fastest way to stop the bleeding is to increase inventory turns. And the best way to do that is to let […]

2018-03-10T00:58:07-08:00October 16th, 2017|ACCPAC, Sage Pro, SBT, Spire|

Spire for SBT VisionPoint Users – Features!

Why Upgrade your SBT VisionPoint to Spire?

Integrated email!

First in an occasional series.

Since my last email blast many have asked about specific Spire features that distinguish Spire from your SBT VisionPoint. The feature SBT VisionPoint users want more than any other is the ability to email forms (bids, orders, invoices, POs and statements of account) as attached PDF documents. Visionpoint cannot not do this without the expensive (but excellent and available) Liaison Messenger module. Spire can email everything. For some of you, gaining this one feature is sufficient reason to retire SBT VisionPoint and go with Spire.

The benefits of emailing forms are large. First, […]

2019-05-08T22:53:44-07:00July 18th, 2017|SBT VisionPoint, Spire|

Spire for SBT Pro Series, ACCPAC Pro and Sage Pro ERP Users

Running old SBT Pro Series?

This information is for those who run old SBT Pro Series (or ACCPAC Pro or Sage Pro ERP) accounting software and are a current or former client of Lefkowitz Systems. Your SBT/ACCPAC/Sage Pro still runs well on current Windows computers and, with your SBT source code license, you can add features as required. For most of you, this is good enough and I will support you and your SBT system indefinitely (if that is what you want). But for others, this is not enough. If you want something newer and better, please keep reading.

Three years ago, if an SBT Pro client asked me for […]

2018-03-10T00:53:51-08:00July 11th, 2017|ACCPAC, SBT, Spire|
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